For the Commodore 64, Cosmi brought out a good number of titles during its support. Starting in the early years, they released Aztec Challenge, Caverns of Khafka, Monster Trivia, some productivity and educational packages, and one of my favorites, Forbidden Forest. Then, in 1985, Cosmi released the remarkable sequel to FF, Beyond the Forbidden Forest, and entered into the simulation genre, more specifically, aircraft simulation. Released in the last quarter of ‘85, Super Huey was one of, if not, THE first true helicopter simulations available for the 64, and perhaps for the entire computer scene. In the game, you take control of the Huey UH-IX; at that time, an experimental high performance aircraft.
Starting at your airbase, you choose one of four missions—Flight Instruction, Exploration, Rescue, or Combat. The selection is chosen by inputting the respective three-letter code. Flight Instruction is just that—getting familiar with all aspects of your aircraft—instrumentation, engage engines, take-off, control, and landing. In Exploration, you can map out the territory and level of terrain, as well as finding significant features and landmarks. Rescue has you trying to locate lost military personnel in the mountains. You must retrieve any who are injured and return to base. In Combat, there is a secret installation that could be a security threat. You are to determine the enemy’s ground and air strength to decide if it is feasible for attack. – Read the rest of the article here from Classic Gamer Magazine (courtesy of Old School Gamer)!
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