We all know Atari. Even those whom have barely played any video games know what Atari is and some might even know what Atari used to be. Sure the Magnavox Odyssey was the very first home video game console but Atari was the company that truly made console gaming a...
This is a tricky one as only a handful—not even—were ever made for a contest and they look exactly the same as the original. Let’s go back in time for a bit. The year is 1982, Imagic just released Atlantis for the Atari 2600 and other systems including the...
It’s been called the worst video game of all time. Some people even credit it with causing the 1983 video game crash that nearly ruined the industry. A common legend surrounding the game is that it was so bad that Atari buried all of the unsold copies under a layer of...
Have a new Wonders of the Retro Gaming World episode! Go on, you deserve it. Today, the star of the show is the GameLine by CVC (Control Video Corporation). Released in 1983 for the Atari 2600, this was a modem that plugged into the cartridge slot that allowed users...
Once upon a time, though you may not believe it, sugary, marshmallow filled breakfast cereals used to come with a toy hidden inside them. So did Cracker Jack, before they replaced it with a crumby sticker. In those way back times you could get all sorts of treasures...