Many years ago in the small town of Spirit Bay, there lived a mean old man named Zachary Graves… So begins the tale of Atari’s Haunted House, released in 1982 for the Atari 2600 console. As we lurch toward Halloween, let’s pay a brief visit to Old Man Graves’s house...
In the great pantheon of video games, few titles loom so large as Pac-Man. Developed by Namco and released in 1980, the game was wildly successful, creating legions of devoted fans. That same year, Commodore released the 8 bit VIC-20. It marked an important step in...
Air Raid is considered to be the 2600’s rarest game with less than 20 copies believed to exist. It wasn’t until recently that we knew much about its developer, Men-A-Vision, either. In this first video for U&U, I’ll be looking into the game its...