Released in 1989, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade was the third film in the Indiana Jones franchise. It featured everyone’s favorite archaeologist doing what he did best: punching Nazis and searching for ancient relics. In this case, Indiana was searching for the...
It began with Dungeons & Dragons. In the late 1970s, Jim Connelly acquired a Commodore PET to assist in his work as a Dungeon Master. He led a regular game in California. One of his players was a man named Jon Freeman, the author of books like The Complete Book of...
The Ark of the Covenant. The search for the Holy Grail. The Lost Dutchman’s Mine. All are legendary treasures that have inspired exhaustive quests. Epic literature, poems and folklore have been created about the subjects. Over the centuries, heroes and rogues have...
I have a confession to make: I love the Weekly World News. If you don’t remember the Weekly World News, it was a tabloid magazine that you could pick up in grocery stores. It told stories about characters like Bat Boy, merfolk, cryptids, and more. It’s no longer in...
In the world of martial arts, no name looms quiet so large as that of Bruce Lee. Born in the Year of the Dragon in the Hour of the Dragon, he was the creator of Jeet Kune Do (Way of the Intercepting Fist) and a star of film and television. He was Lee in the legendary...