We’ve been flooded with awesome news this week, from Forest of Illusion for the Commodore Amiga, to the overhauled Mario Bros on the Amstrad and Mickey and Donald G&W for the 48k. Well once again we are going back to the ZX Spectrum for some more gaming...
Thanks to another heads up from a good friend of ours , we’ve been told that if you’re looking for something different to play on your C64, then make sure to check out la1n’s latest game preview of ‘TheHolyCube’; A game in which you need...
Even more great retro gaming news for this week, as we have just learnt that Zdenda Zubr, has released what looks to be an Atari XL/XE rom hack of ‘Montezuma’s Revenge’ called ‘Zdendazuma’ for the SillyVenture 2023 competition : A version...
Those Arcade to Amiga conversions just keep on coming, as after just announcing the awesome game that is Rygar, along comes JOTD with his newest of creations of Pengo! Yes indeed this 1982 game by SEGA, which I had the pleasure of playing back in the day, is coming to...
The Atari XL/XE games just keep on coming, as thanks to another heads up earlier today from our good friend Saberman, he has told us that Bill Kendrick has made available a beta version of his new twin-stick firefighting action game for the Atari XL/XE called...