I still remember how good Wreck it Ralph was, a cartoon which follows the journey of a villain from an old 1980’s arcade game that at the time in reality never actually existed. Well not until a real online, a mobile based game, a homebrew Sega Genesis emulated...
We’ve seen lots of Space Invader variants over the years, from Havie’s Blitz Basic version of the game on the Amiga, to our personal favourite from Pink/Abyss called ‘Tiny Invaders’. Well yet again we’ve been sent another version of Space...
The Amstrad CPC has certainly had its fair share of fun games announced this year, especially with so many available to download such as MR.WONG, Cracky, Renegade Reloaded, and even our personal favourite Revenge of Trasmoz! Well here’s another Amstrad news...
The Amiga news just keep on coming, as thanks to another heads up earlier today from a good friend of ours, we have been told that Pixelplop has teased a new Commodore Amiga game of Sword & Sorcerer; A Zelda like game in which you have to traverse dangerous...
Another Amstrad news story has hit our inbox, as XeNoMoRPH was kind enough to let us know through our email the other day, that if you’re looking for a new game for your Amstrad CPC, then it might be worth checking out Rigor Mortis by Churrosoft. A game...