If you remember Arkanoid; an arcade game first developed by Taito in 1986, with the bat like device scrolling from side to side at the bottom of the screen, bouncing an orb back and forth and smashing blocks for a high score, then you might like this latest speccy...
Originally released in 1993 for the Amiga by Thalion Software, Ambermoon was the second part of an unfinished trilogy and sequel to Amberstar that was only released in Germany. In was an incredible RPG for its time, and featured 3D graphics that were considered...
Wonder Boy is a game designed by Ryuichi Nishizawa which started its life as a skateboard rock jumping and axe bashing platformer, that later became the great adventure platformer with RPG elements known as ‘ Wonderboy in Monster Land ‘. Both of these...
Even more C64 games to get through today, as trawling through the CSdb database we’ve come across a new C64 game as a preview called ‘Riviera Story’ by Bladawietz(?). This game available to try, looks to be an Arcade platformer in which you play as...
Possibly the last news story for Saturday and one I think many people might be interested in playing when it gets an eventual release, is the upcoming game of Knights & Slimes for the C64 by Monte Boyd. Yes indeed thanks to a recent shout out on Twitter, not only...