Description New action platform GameBoy videogame on real cartridge! Fly your arrows and ride them to defeat all the wild animals up to the castle History This is how it all starts. The moon approaches the Earth, bringing new changes to all of life. The order imposed...
We’ve mentioned a number of text entry based adventure games over the years, from games such as Venganza and Spooky Adventure, to Knight Orc and Masquerade. But now another game has appeared which will appeal to gamers who have children, is michomis 1st place...
Wonder Boy is a game designed by Ryuichi Nishizawa which started its life as a skateboard rock jumping and axe bashing platformer, that later became the great adventure platformer with RPG elements known as ‘ Wonderboy in Monster Land ‘. Both of these...
Moritz has certainly made an appearance in a lot of ZX Spectrum games throughout our speccy write ups on Indie Retro News, he’s been in Moritz Strikes Back, Moritz 48k, Moritz to the Moon, and yes even the the most recent of games, Moritz on the Autobahn. So...
When it comes to announcing something from Allan Turvey, it’s usually a new game that’s just been announced such as the case with Asteroids RX, Percy Penguin or even Terrapins. But this time he’s decided to do something different, as in relation to...