The retro news just keeps on coming this weekend, as earlier today we found out ‘ Sabre Wulf ‘ will be coming to the C64 as a full remaster by Genesis Project. Yes indeed this famous game released in 1984 by Ultimate Play the Game, and originally released...
Remember the days spent down at the Arcades, hearing the beeps and bops from the different machines, the coloured lights flashing all around, and money being lost for hours worth of enjoyment? Then you might be interested to know that the 1980’s Arcade game of...
Apogee Software certainly released some great games in the 90’s, games such as Monster Bash, Bio Menace and even our personal favorite Duke Nukem. Well one game you’ve probably never heard of is the platformer version of Duke Nukem 4Ever. That’s...
While I do try to avoid writing on weekends, this was too good not to spread the word! As thanks to both Earok and Saberman letting us know earlier today, they have told us that AmigaLive has made available a hack of the Amiga version of the 1994 game ‘Last...
Some cool news indeed especially if you grew up on the Atari 2600 as well as the much later Atari 8bit as you’ll be interested to hear, that Protovision has released the Commodore 64 game of Czolgi. A new game which is an inspiration to Combat that was first...