Final Fantasy has been around for over 30 years, and the franchise is still going strong today. There was a joke back in the 90’s I remember about there never being a real FINAL Final Fantasy. Look how far the series has gone since it premiered back in 1987....
If you ask a gamer to name some popular shooter titles, they will tell you games like Call of Duty, Doom, Halo, Grand Theft Auto and Goldeneye. Before all of these hit the shelves, Nintendo had a vision of providing a shooter game with the new Nintendo Entertainment...
Christmas time and video games practically go hand in hand. New consoles are launched around November aiming to be the top spot on people’s lists, games go on sale and a few new ones are released, it truly is a wonderful time of year for gamers. Now this can...
I can hear you already, “Oh great another opinion piece from Ben. Nothing we haven’t heard before!” Well if you would put your torches and pitchforks down for a hot second I think I’m on to something here. Now in the past I’ve written...
I’m going to come out and say it right off the bat, I LOVE the concept of these classic mini consoles. I do. I think these are great. They are made by the companies that originally made them, they can hook up to your brand new HDTV, and some of them have...