LucasFilm Games, formally known as LucasArts, is the video game studio created by George Lucas back in 1982 alongside the Star Wars movie franchise. George knew that video games were going to be a part of his Star Wars journey and in a brilliant move formed his own...
When the world ponders the thought of education in video games, they think of boring games, things on tablets for kids, or classics such as Where in the World is Carmen San Diego and Oregon Trail. However, there are so many games out there that actually changed the...
In 1980, the Apple II series of computers was the most popular microcomputer of its day. One company that sought to take advantage of this was a company named Broderbund. Broderbund was founded in 1980 and they were involved in many aspects of software created for...
The Oregon Trail is a series of educational computer games that simulate a family’s twothousand-mile trek along the Oregon Trail, from Independence, Missouri, to the Willamette Valley in Oregon by covered wagon in the mid-1800s. For those that have never played the...
Consider your earliest memories of educational video games. Does the image of your entire class trooping to the computer lab to practice typing skills come to mind? Perhaps it’s the satisfying clunk of inserting a CD-ROM for a session of Mavis Beacon Teaches...