As you read through this month’s issue, chances are the classic computer bug will bite you, and you may find yourself searching for a way to acquire one of those marvelous computing devices from the past. Who wouldn’t want to see the beautiful blue screen...
Today, video games are the leading voice of pop culture. Academics could deny it, film buffs and audiophiles may not accept it, but it’s indeed the case. The highest grossing form of entertainment in the world, the impact of video games on several generations is...
Back in the early days of computers, if you wanted a program or specific function, you programmed it yourself. A couple of companies formed in the 1950s would become the first independent software companies. These companies included Computer Usage Company, Applied...
When thinking of a gaming PC in the 1980s, not many would think of the Tandy-1000. I owned this as a young child in1984. It was the first PC I have ever owned and memories of playing it still stick with me today. This high-end PC (at thetime) ran around $1,000...
Welcome to the next installment of my iiRcade picks. These are games that I have been playing most frequently when I should be doing other things around the house. Keep in mind these are just the opinions of one gamer. I could be right, or I could be wrong, but I am...