Sometimes great news about an industry member comes in after the magazine has already been laid out and needs to get into the magazine’s next issue. iiRcade, a great supporter of Old School Gamer Magazine, had some releases that were announced in November and...
OSG: Hi Joel. You’ve been very generous with your time over the years, sharing the history of SSI, including an Antic magazine interview (Antic Vol. 4, No. 3 July 1985), a Matt Chat YouTube channel interview (#181, #183, #184, and #188 from 2013), and a Video Game...
Fight it out with your trusty six-shooter in the famous gunfight at the O.K. Corral. Lead the French Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte’s grand armies across the European landscape. Hold the line against Pickett’s Charge at Gettysburg. Sink the mighty Bismarck. Command the...
Yeah, I live on 42nd street, but for me, it will always be 40 Deuce. That was the name that Ray Gilligan, my former drummer and all-around crazy guy, gave to the street we both lived on. At one time, there was a magical period on the 40 Deuce: Ray was the official...
Atari was a corporation that was “born” in 1972. The first arcade game released by this fledgling company was Pong. After that, Atari released games such as Breakout, Sprint (both 2 and 4), Night Driver, and Firetruck to name a few. In 1977, Cinematronics released a...