“If it’s in the game, it’s in the game,” the mega publisher’s sports titles were about much more than realism. While they were always about providing a realistic experience, there was always an effort to simultaneously maintain a massively fun environment. While...
Ever since the first Playstation system came out, I have always been a loyal player. In fact, I remember when the Playstation 2 came out, I was camping out in the Wal-Mart layaway area waiting to be the first person to get one at midnight. The first three games I...
The first video gaming convention I ever attended was the inaugural Missouri Game Con held in St. Louis (where I live) in 2016. Gaming conventions always seemed like cool events that other people attended. Those lucky people that lived within a 2 or 3 hour drive of...
Today, video games are the leading voice of pop culture. Academics could deny it, film buffs and audiophiles may not accept it, but it’s indeed the case. The highest grossing form of entertainment in the world, the impact of video games on several generations is...
Today, video games are the leading voice of pop culture. Academics could deny it, film buffs and audiophiles may not accept it, but it’s indeed the case. The highest grossing form of entertainment in the world, the impact of video games on several generations is...