Ever since the first flipper was placed on a playfield back in 1947, pinball has been a great way for players to come together, have some fun, and socialize over accessible games. Over the past century or so, the popularity of pinball has spiked and receded in wild...
DANCE DANCE REVOLUTION (1998-Present; Arcade & multiple consoles, primarily PS1/PS2) While there are many ways arcade machines can surpass other forms of gaming, my experience with one particular series and genre stands alone with life-changing skill progression...
When people hear the name Donkey Kong there are many thoughts that might enter into their minds. The most obvious thought might be the arcade game that was released in 1981 that became Nintendo’s first arcade smash hit selling over 170,000 units and generating over 2...
From late 1975 and throughout 1976, work proceeded on Atari’snew programmable home system.Bushnell and Atari’s president, Joe Keenan, hoped to release it in time for Christmas 1977, but realized they didn’t have the finances to do so. Bushnell wanted to take the...
In 1978, Taito/Midway took the arcades by storm with their release of a game called Space Invaders. The game was designed by Tomohiro Nishikado, who spent a year developing the game itself as well as the hardware necessary to make the game possible. His concept gave...