In November 1979, Atari, Inc released a monochromatic vector game to the arcades with the name Asteroids. The game, programmed by Lyle Rains and Ed Logg, is a multi-directional shooter in which the player controls a vessel that appears in the middle of an asteroid f...
In continuation of the company’s modern revision of classic video game consoles, Analogue brings the Analogue Pocket, a beautiful handheld that pays an incredible homage to the Game Boy. Analogue’s portable is more than just a remake, though, as it has many features...
3D Realms is an American video game publisher and developer originally based in Garland, Texas and currently based in Aalborg, Denmark. It is a passionate team of creative thinkers and visionary risk-takers pushing the game industry we love forward. Their passion for...
Players in the United States will recognize the Gremlin logo for a few cult favorites on the Sony PlayStation on 16-bit consoles, but players in the United Kingdom will remember them for so much more. Gremlin Graphics wounded by Ian Stewart and Kevin Norburn in 1984....
In the realm of video game consoles, the Nintendo GameCube emerged amid a fiercely competitive market. While its journey may not have unfolded as triumphantly as Nintendo had envisioned, the GameCube has carved a niche as a cherished underdog within the gaming...