Outside of his work delivering toys to the children of the world, it is fairly common knowledge that Santa Claus is something of a superhero. Don’t believe me? Then clearly you’ve never seen 1964’s classic film “Santa Claus Conquers the Martians.” Stop everything you...
It’s nearly Thanksgiving, and in the spirit of one of the most iconic balloons in the history of the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, let’s take a look (and listen) to a Sonic the Hedgehog game that might not be the first on everyone’s mind....
Stepping into Free Play Richardson is a bit like having access to a time machine that can transport me to my childhood. The experience starts the instant you step in the front door. Pulsing, synth heavy New Wave blares through the building, playing songs like “Space...
I will always associate the game House of the Dead with going to the movies. The game was released in Japan in 1996, appearing in the United States a year later. It immediately became a staple at arcades. As I recall, it sat in the arcade section of every movie...
Sega fans, prepare to be delighted. Analogue, known for such hits as the Super NT and Nt Mini, is following up on its Nintendo based success with a complete Sega solution. The Mega Sg is no one-trick pony; not only will it support games from the venerable Mega Drive...