As we tour the Cabinet of Curiosities, we will see all manner of oddities. There is a special section reserved just for product promotions, such as Yo! Noid, the Domino’s Noid video game, and Kool-Aid Man, the Atari game featuring…the Kool-Aid Man. All of this...
Rare games often have their fair share of urban legends. The rarer the game, the most far-fetched the story. One of those game is assuredly Tetris but a specific version of it. Namely, the one released in extremely limited quantities for the SEGA Genesis or the Mega...
The world of video games is filled with many weird and wondrous things, digital creations that would make John Waters scratch his head and say, “Well, that seems like a bit much…” It is my goal, nay, it is my QUEST to find and document those games here in the...
I still remember the overwhelming excitement I felt when I first acquired the Sega CD system. I had owned a Commodore 64, an NES and a Sega Genesis, but the Sega CD was going to change everything. After all, it’s games were on compact disc, not dusty, old cartridges....
August 11, 1991 It’s a date that should be etched in the annals of time. It’s like July 20, 1969 (the date of the first moon landing), but much more important. It’s the day that The Ren & Stimpy Show first debuted on television. There aren’t enough superlatives to...
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