Our next Trading Card Spotlight features Howard Scott Warshaw who currently is displayed on card number 208, from the Superstars of 2012 Collection. Howard is a true pioneer in the gaming industry. As one of the original Atari programmers for the Atari 2600, Howard...
Our next Trading Card Spotlight features Don Hodges, who currently is displayed on card number 753, from the Superstars of 2014 Collection. Don is a classic arcade gamer who has analyzed program code for games such as Pac-Man, Dig-Dug, Defender, and Galaga. He may be...
Our next Trading Card Spotlight features Doc Mack who currently is displayed on card number 483, from the Superstars of 2013 Collection. Doc is the owner of an arcade in Brookfield, IL called The Galloping Ghost Arcade. This is not your ordinary arcade of today;...
Trading Cards for Grown-ups Day CLICK – The Walter Day Trading Card Collection History of Trading Cards for Grown-ups Day Original trade cards were used to stiffen the packaging of cigarettes, and they were advertising cards. In the 1860s, baseball cards...
On the heals of the 2024 Midwest Gaming Classic we look back at my interview with Dan Loosen. This interview was done on December 3rd, 2015. Thanks to Dan for giving his time for the Interview. Hope you enjoy and be sure to go to the Midwest Gaming Classic this...