The Pinball Expo will be expanding its show floor to 100,000 sq. ft. and celebrating its 40th year as the longest running pinball show. The event, which takes place Oct. 15-19th, will be combining forces with Video Game Summit, which has been running since 2003. Video...
The Video Game Summit is back on in 2023! We are excited to announce that the VGS in McCook, IL will be bigger and better than before. Our new layout at the McCook MAX Sports Complex give room for more vendors, games, and tournaments. We will have arades, consles,...
Come drop by the Video Game Summit today in Villa Park, IL The Video Game Summit is back on in 2021! We are excited to announce that the VGS in Villa Park, IL will be bigger and better than before. Our new layout at the Odeum give room for...
Video Game Summit, is Chicago’s Premier Video Game Event. The 2018 show will be at The Odeum Expo Center in Villa Park,IL, 7/14/18 show hours are: 10:00am till 6pm(all times central) Remember how much fun you used to have playing Atari, Nintendo and all kinds of games...