I can tell some of you have read the title of the topic and are wondering how, by Alcorn’s beard, is the TurboGrax-16 considered “exotic”? And what the hell’s a “Sheboygan” anyway? Fear not, noble reader, all will be explained. Note: please, don’t hurt yourself trying to say “Sheboygan”. If you can say it (hint-it’s said like it reads), give yourself a cookie. I’ve heard many a telemarketer, or some green sales lad trying to sell me toner, slaughter the name most heinously.
Sheboygan County is located in between, smack dab in the middle even, two of the better known areas of Wisconsin. To the north we have the Frozen Tundra of Green Bay, home of the Green Bay Packers while to the south lies Milwaukee which has been called the
“Beer Capital of the World” (the Schlitz brewery even coined itself as the “Beer that made Milwaukee Famous” thanks to shipping boatloads of their brew to the Windy City after the Great Chicago Fire in 1871 destroyed most of the city’s breweries). What separates Sheboygan County and the city of the same name (one of their claims to fame is its bratwurst, which has become more widely known thanks to ESPN’s coverage of the 2006 Johnsonville Brat Eating Contest, which was won by world champion professional eater Takeru Kobayashi who pounded down fifty-eight bratwurst) is that it sometimes takes awhile for modern culture to reach its borders. It took years for Heelys shoes to arrive at our stores, even though they’ve been out in other areas for quite a while. Cell phones were a luxury when most people in bigger cities had them as a daily staple of communication.
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