In the early 90s, Sega’s Genesis system was struggling compared to its competitors, so the company looked to enhance their 16-bit home console with hardware add-ons. Preceding the release of the Sega Saturn, the 32X infused the Genesis with richer visuals and smoother gameplay, but it wasn’t enough to turn the tide. Originally released in 1994, the 32X was a major misfire for Sega, with underwhelming third-party support and generally low sales. Despite that, out of the 40 games that were created for the console, there were more than a fair share of underrated gems. As this infamous add-on turns 30 years old, let’s take a look back on the best Sega 32X games (listed in no particular order) and give them their proper time in the spotlight.
1. Kolibri
Absurdly quirky and a standout oddity on the 32X, Kolibri is a side-scrolling shoot ’em up that was developed by Novotrade International. In the game, you play as a hummingbird, flying around the stage and defeating bugs and other enemies with your beak missiles and assortment of laser weaponry. It’s just as wild as it sounds, and combined with soothing music and painting-like visuals, makes for a one-of-a-kind experience. It’s got a few problems, but Kolibri was an exclusive that gave the 32X a lot of personality.
2. Tempo
In the sea of platformer games with cartoon mascots, Tempo is criminally overlooked, bursting with color, attitude, and rhythm. Playing as the titular grasshopper protagonist, you are a contestant on “The Major Minor Show”, and must race through a series of stages as you battle enemies to the beat of the music. In practice, it’s a fusion of Sonic the Hedgehog, Ristar, and Rayman, with smooth and quick gameplay that’s not too challenging. Based on the soundtrack alone, Tempo deserves a spot on this list.
3. Star Wars Arcade
If you attach the Star Wars name to any game, you’re likely to sell copies regardless of the quality. Thankfully, when it comes to Star Wars Arcade, it’s a pretty stellar adaptation that avoids feeling like a cash-in. Inspired by the 1983 arcade game by Atari, this exclusive 32X title showed off the technical capabilities of the console along with some excellent sci-fi action. Blazing through space as a Rebel pilot, you’ll ravage TIE Fighters, navigate a perilous asteroid field, and of course, take a crack at the Death Star. Out of the many arcade ports on the Sega 32X, Star Wars Arcade was one of the very best, and was a favorite launch title for the console.
4. Knuckles’ Chaotix
You can’t have a Sega console without a Sonic the Hedgehog game, and for the 32X, Sega decided to whip up a spin-off that took a lot of risks. Knuckles’ Chaotix is the result, and though it’s very similar to mainline Sonic games, the defining “tether” feature changes the pace considerably. You control Knuckles, but are often attached to a companion character, causing you to whip around the stage at high speeds. It takes some time to master, but once you feel the groove of Knuckles’ Chaotix, it’s an undeniably cool spin-off that feels familiar, but with an identity completely of its own.
5. Shadow Squadron
Aliens are attacking and only you can stop them in Shadow Squadron, a sleeper hit and easily one of the best games on the Sega 32X. Much like Star Wars Arcade, this futuristic shooter puts you in the seat of a space fighter jet, and from a first-person perspective, must fend off waves of enemies or perish. Free roam exploration adds an extra layer of strategy to the aerial battles, while your abundant weaponry and shielding make you a menace in combat. There are six stages to complete, two different ships to pilot, and even a co-op mode to play with a buddy. For its time, Shadow Squadron was a solid sci-fi shooter, bolstered by variety and replayability, and it could only be found on the Sega 32X.
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