As the decade of the 1980s faded into memory for the video game and console industry, many changes were about to occur to hearken in the decade of the 1990s.
Atari, the main player in both the arcades and home video games/consoles, found its star starting to descend as other companies started to get into the fray. Two of the biggest companies, Sega and Nintendo, were at the forefront of the next generation of video games and consoles. Thus, began the console wars of the decade of the 1990s. Of course, like any war, not all was straight-forward, proving the Clausewitz axiom “No campaign plan survives first contact with the enemy”. This, of course, translates to the fact that every company thought they had the best but the consumer was the final determiner.
For purposes of this article, only the North American console wars will be discussed. If console sales for North America cannot be listed, then world-wide numbers will be used. In addition, only consoles will be discussed and hand-helds will be excluded.
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