The Secret of Monkey Island developed by Lucasfilm Games (later LucasArts) was originally released in 1990 and created by now industry legends Ron Gilbert, Tim Schafer, and Dave Grossman. It was a game that has lived on the hearts of many with its fantastic pirate charm. Well if you remember that fine game, you’ll be pleased to know that as of today, you can play a fan version of The Secret of Monkey Island on the C64! Although do be aware there are limitations. It’s very clunky, Guybrush doesn’t walk, no interaction with the images, need to drop to a series of text menus to ‘play’ the game and I’m not sure if it can be played from the beginning to the end(like the original).

The original version from the 90’s was incredible, a landmark game which has rightly cemented its place in both Amiga and gaming history. It wasn’t just an evolution in adventure gaming, it completely broke the mould and set the standards by which similar games would be judged for decades to come. It has regularly been voted as the best Amiga game ever made and I certainly would not be one to dispute that standing (as an aside it has also been voted the best P.C. adventure game ever). And while this version probably wont suit everyone especially with those limitations, its still nice to see this incredible game on the C64!


  • Created and Designed by Ron Gilbert
  • Written and Programmed by Dave Grossman, Tim Schafer and Ron Gilbert
  • Background Art by Steve Purcell, Mark Ferrari and Mike Ebert
  • Original Music by Michael Land, Barney Jones and Andy Newell (of earwax productions) and Patrick Mundy
  • Developed using the D42 Adventure System from Out of Order Softworks

Links :1) Source 2) Download

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