Knowing of Pat Contri since I started up Old School Gamer Magazine, I knew I wanted to check out one of his books. Recently, at the Retro Game Con in Syracuse, NY, I asked him what book I should start out with. He said while he has the SNES book released more recently, he recommended I start with his Ultimate NES book,so that I did.
Pat has self published one of the thickest, most detailed, most professionally done books I’ve ever seen. It’s a 420 page-long hardback book, absolutely packed with every NES release he could find including test cartridges, variants, European only releases and more. I think the only area he didn’t cover were any Japanese-only releases. Each page of the book usually contains two releases including 4 screen-shots, a picture of the cartridge, a full descrip on of the game and a “Re ec ons” por on where hegives more insights on the game.
*Read the rest of this article on page 46 by clicking here!
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