Remember renting games? If you’re reading this magazine, you do. And you miss it—we know you do. So take a trip down memory lane with us on some of our best and worst experiences with renting video games.
THE BEST: Mutant League Hockey
Unlike NHLPA 93 or even NHL 94 (Electronic Arts’ early hockey games on the Genesis), Mutant League Hockey featured no real NHL players or teams. While some of the characters are inspired by actual players, the end result was hockey game that was always fun to play, never took itself too seriously, and most importantly, attracted new players. It’s scary to think a rushed development cycle robbed the game of several added features. “Some of the features we had planned but had to cut were very fun and innovative. We never fully realized the angry home crowd feature; the home crowd would throw weapons on the ice that the players could pick up and use against their opponents,” Mendheimid. said “That was in the game, but we also wanted spectators to grab the visiting players off the rink (once the glass barricades were broken) and pull them into the stands and rip them apart. Now that’s a real homefield advantage
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