Video Game Summit, is Chicago’s Premier Video Game Event. The 2018 show will be at The Odeum Expo Center in Villa Park,IL, 7/14/18 show hours are: 10:00am till 6pm(all times central)
Remember how much fun you used to have playing Atari, Nintendo and all kinds of games on your computer? Well, you will have the rare opportunity to play these great games again at the Video Game Summit, Chicago’s premier video game trade show. In fact, several dealers in retro games will be on hand offering games, controllers, systems and memorabilia and will be prepared to buy or trade for the games you have held onto since you were a kid. Who knows, you might just have an Atari cartridge worth $1000 or more collecting dust in your attic.
“Retrogaming,” the playing and collecting of classic video games, is more popular than ever, especially due to next generation systems having “classic” game collections such as Intellivision Lives or a download service such as Nintendo Wii’s Shop Channel where you can buy classic games for systems such has Nintendo Entertainment System and Commodore 64. In fact, a dedicated group of programmers still issues new games for retro game systems, such as the Atari 2600, last seen in retail stores over 30 years ago.
The Video Game Summit, now in its 15th year, brings together classic and modern generation gamers from all over the country to swap stories, games. Visit our Game Area where you can play games like Tempest 2000 on the Jaguar, Bomberman 94 on the Turbographx-16 and Phoenix on the 2600 just to name a few as we plan to include other systems that everyone can enjoy including home brew games for the 2600.
VGS is open to the public and people of all ages with an interest in video gaming are encouraged to attend. According to the event’s promoter, Daniel Iacovelli,”After another positive response from last year, we decided to return to the The Odeum Expo Center,” Dan goes on to say “that we also decided to keep our game area to the back room where we had them last year and keep vendors to the front also like last year”.
Best of all, admission to The 2018 Video Game Summit is only 10.00 per person* (kids 12 and under with adult is free). *those who register online will receive a e-book version of the program for free(we will not have any copies of the programs at the show) We will have Early Admission this year again due to positive response from last year $15.00 which includes a copy of the program from magcloud .
Vendors space consist of one 8 foot bare table (if you want it skirted you have to bring in your table cover)and 2 folding chairs for $50.00 each and limited to supply (power is 50.00 for one $20 amp outlet)
We will have a concession set up in the lounge with pizza,drinks and other great eats.
The Video Game Summit is being held on July 14th, 2018 from 10 am.(Early Admission starts at 9:30am) until 6 pm. at The Odeum Expo Center 1033 North Villa Ave, Villa Park,IL.
For information on the show visit us at:
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Follow us on our twitter: @VideoGameSummit
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show promoters, Daniel Iacovelli and Todd Friedman are available to answer
any questions Contact Dan at or
or Todd at
About AVC Online:
AVC Online (Also Known As Atari Video Club Online) is am online club that has
been supporting Atari Video games and computers for more then 13 years.
We have also been involved with Atari Jaguar Festival since 1997.
For more information on AVC Online visit: http://Atari-Video.Club)
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