Our next Trading Card Spotlight features Mark Moore, who currently is displayed on card number 3566, from the Superstars of 2021 Collection. Mark has pinball in his blood. He has played since he was a little child. His favorite pinball of all time is Kiss. Growing up a KISS fan, he was instantly drawn to the pinball machine and played it constantly. Mark loves the community of pinball players and tries to learn from everyone to get better and better. He remembers hearing his first Clunk sound of a free game like it was yesterday. Mark hope to attend many more pinball expos and other video game related conferences.
Do you remember your first pinball machine you played and what do you remember about it?
I was a fan of the band KISS and was at a laundromat with my mom as a kid. There it was the rest is history. I was lucky enough to get to select that machine as my card and recounted that in my story on the back.
What are your opinions about today’s generation of pinball?
How do you compare them to older, classic machines? To me pinball went to the next level once they introduced multi-ball. Now to have the multiple modes, it makes the games so much more fun to play. I play in tournaments every week that focus on the older games, so I can still appreciate a good spinner rip.
Did you ever think when you were younger you would be on a video game trading card?
Never, it was a very pleasant surprise.
When did you first meet Walter Day and where was it at?
Still have not met him. He was kind enough to correspond with me via E-mail and FB messages to get the card done and help me place an order.
What was the best era for pinball gaming in your opinion?
Mid 90s was a boom, but the games they are making now are hard to beat.
In your opinion, are there enough or too little Pinball Expos and conferences held each year?
Just enough, do not want to saturate with too many of them.
What’s your opinion of the Console Pinball games (Xbox, PlayStation) that recreate the original machines onto the TV screen?
Nice to practice on at home to learn rule sets of machines, but nothing like flipping that silver ball.
Did you agree on the pinball ban in New York City on the 1970s? What is your opinion on this topic?
Just recently learned about this, was very shocked when I did.
If you could describe Walter Day in one word, what would that word be and why?
Patriarch. Keeping this lifestyle alive and bringing it to the masses.
What is your favorite pinball machine past and present and why?
Addams Family – love the callouts, always dreamed of owning this machine. KISS LE (stern) for obvious reasons.
What would your design and theme of the perfect pinball machine be and why?
At least 5 modes and 2 or 3 different multi-balls. An upper or at least partial playfield.
Are you fan of the new digital pinball machines and what makes them better or worse than the standard machines?
Not a fan at all. Tried one once and was not for me. I get the allure to have a machine that you can change to other machines, just not something I am interested in.
What does it take to be a pinball journalist?
Love for the game
Are pinball machines aimed mainly at children, adolescents or adults?
Adults – since all games are a dollar per play now. Most themes are based on Nostalgia to reach out to the adults
Do you prefer playing pinball alone or against someone and why?
I like to play alone to learn the rule set BUT I like to play with others for the competition.
Do you learn anything from playing pinball?
Patience. Have been working on it for years. Baby steps lol.
Where do you see the pinball world in the next 10 years?
Not sure, but it is pretty amazing right now.
This is one of an ongoing series of articles based on the Walter Day Collection of e-sports/video gaming trading cards – check out more information at thewalterdaycollection.com.
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