Something slightly different for today’s retro heads up, instead of all the Amiga games we’ve featured these last couple of weeks. As we’ve just been contacted through both Facebook and Twitter, that as from today you can download the latest Commodore 64 release of WinGames: A multi-game release for the C64 created using Assembler: A release which not only features a miniature Windows desktop, but the ability to play games from an early Windows OS such as Solitaire, Freecell and Minesweeper! To coincide with this news, Saberman has also done a video showing the games being played!

While the creator hasn’t said very much only “Doesn’t require any explanation, I guess”, here’s the feedback from the Lemon64 forums that makes this worth a go on your Commodore 64. “I downloaded it because I just couldn’t believe what I was seeing here. Amazing. Now – can you make C64 OS UI like this?” and “I wonder how the icons are created. Sprite multiplexer and stacking?”. So yes if you want to try something different out on your C64, give WingGames a try today!

Links :1) Forum 2) Download 

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